"There is no greater power in the Universe than the power of Love. The feeling of Love is the highest frequency you can emit. If you could wrap every thought in love, if you could love everything and everyone, your life would be transformed..."
International Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice
International Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice is an amazing foundational course into an career as a Kinesiologist and Energy Medicine in general. A comprehensive 15month course that at the end qualifies you to register as a Kinesiologist and start your kinesiology practice!
The course covers in depth the fundamental skills and knowledge of the Professional Kinesiology Practitioner. See here for a full unit list and break down of each unit.
This course is my passion, I have spent over 20years in the field of Kinesiology and Energy Medicine and I want to share with you the wealth of knowledge and wisdom I have gathered in my journeying as a practitioner.
Total Cost
$7,800 inc GST
12 units over 11 months
$750 A&P Home study unit
Payment plans available
BKP101 – Self-care techniques to defuse stress and enhance your energy
This unit introduces you to three different kinds of easy to learn self-energiser trigger points (Neuro-Emotional, Neuro-Lymphatic, and Neuro-Vascular) and the powerful meridian energiser trace. As well, you will use walking gait reflexes, crosscrawl self integration, vision and hearing energy techniques
BKP102 – Learn the art of muscle testing, switch on the body-mind and balance energy
People completing this unit will be able to use muscle testing accurately, and perform a Kinesiology energy balance on others.They will be able to identify dehydration, ionisation, neurological disorganisation (switching), central vessel integrity and thymus energy imbalance.
BKP103 – Learn to balance energy with the law of 5 Elements from TCM.
This unit develops an elementary understanding of and skill in using basic 5-Element principles for energy balancing.
BKP104 – Learn to understand the physical body from an energetic perspective
This unit introduces an understanding of the philosophy, principles and history of Kinesiology; to extend the understanding of meridians and their related organ systems and to develop proficiency in a 14 muscle wheel energy balance.
BKP105 – Deepen your understanding of TCM and the law of 5 elements within Kinesiology
This unit extends the understanding of, and skill in using, the 5-Element principles and 5-Element emotions for energy balancing.
BKP106 – Learning to put it all together to do a full Kinesiology balance!
This unit develops skill and understanding in the use of basic professional Kinesiology techniques.
BKP107 – Understanding pain and techniques to reduce pain in the body
This unit develops skill in using Kinesiology techniques to reduce physical pain.
BKP108 – Learn about Nutrition and balancing the body to food from a Kinesiology perspective
This unit extends an understanding of the development (philosophy and principles) of Kinesiology. It develops an understanding of the chain of life, the six stages of nutrition, food combining; the concept of biogenic, biostatic, biocidic substances; to construct a diet using 5-Element, food family and food rotation principles; to develop skill in using C1 and ear acu-point sensitivity tests.
BKP109 – Learn advanced balancing techniques to shift trauma, pain and structural imbalances
This unit develops skill and understanding in correcting reactivity in muscles and meridians with (and without) circuit retaining or reactive modes. To develop skill in observing postural imbalance; to extend techniques in balancing energy in muscles.
BKP110 – All you need to know to set up as a Practitioner
To establish, utilise and update a client health record; communicate in a professional manner and set clear boundaries in a kinesiology practice; establish personal ethical behaviour and respect client’s rights in a health care context.
EMS201 – Learn amazing techniques to defuse stress and connect to the mental emotional and spiritual realms to create deep transformation and freedom on all levels
The purpose of this unit is to develop skill and understanding in the use of the frontal/occipital stress release technique including the application of active listening and role play. Those who have completed this unit will be able to use basic frontal/occipital holding, assist the client: to find new resources, apply the video-rewrite method, brainstorm, make up new possibilities, use their senses and intuition, state what they are feeling, want and are willing to do to achieve this, with or without the use of imagery including but not limited to jewels, balloons, grounding rods, picture frames and symbolic encapsulation and the hypothesis of an older, wiser self, to enable the client to defuse stress related to but not limited to challenges to their authority and terminating a relationship within or without the context of active listening or role play.